Conditions of residence in Turkey with the purchase of property

شرایط اقامت ترکیه با خرید ملک

Conditions of residence in Turkey with the purchase of property

In this article, we are going to explain the conditions of staying in Turkey by buying property. In recent years, we have seen an increase in buying property in Turkey by Iranians. Many reasons have made Turkey attractive for living and investment and has distinguished this country from other European countries. Turkey is very important from the point of view of the international community, and definitely having residence and also citizenship of this country can see a significant change in your conditions and the value of your words in important European and American countries.

In this article, we will examine some of the things that make traveling to Turkey and investing in this country attractive for foreigners, especially Iranians.

For example, the short distance between Turkey and Iran and the 3-hour flight distance make traveling to this country easy. Also, considering the very reasonable price of property in Turkey compared to Iran, buying a house to preserve the value of money and also to spend leisure time seems to be a very suitable option. The daily cost of living and food, clothing, commuting, education, car, house, tax, internet, etc. is very low. There are many entertainment and tourism centers in Turkey that attract every tourist.

Conditions of residence in Turkey with the purchase of property

Mediterranean coastal and marine areas, skiing, sports fields and cycling are also abundant in Turkey. Buying property in Turkey It is done very quickly and the Turkish government has done this for the welfare of foreign nationals. You can find all kinds of houses in Turkey in apartment, complex, beach type. You can pay the amount of the house in installments, but at the same time the document is in your name. Turkey’s transportation system is complete and easily accessible. From the subway to airplanes and other vehicles are available in this country. There is a good investment opportunity by buying a property in Turkey and it is very easy to get Turkish citizenship in this way.

According to the mentioned advantages, many Iranians prefer living and obtaining residence in Turkey to other countries and they want to know the steps after buying a property and obtaining residence for themselves and their family.

According to the new rules, the minimum purchase price of a property in big cities such as Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir must be 75 thousand dollars in order to obtain residency in Turkey. In small cities in Turkey, this amount is reduced to 50 thousand dollars.

Previously, the amount of the purchased property was not important for the immigration office, the important thing was that you have a document in your name. But from now on, this law is being enforced.

People who have already bought a property and it was below 75 thousand dollars will not cause any problem and this law includes new purchases.

If you need more guidance regarding the conditions of residence in Turkey with the purchase of a property, contact us via WhatsApp.

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